Sunday, October 03, 2010

That was What I Learned

I have to write something on you, my lovable blog. It's about my attitude and my ability. It was hard to find the differences between the right and the wrong, the true and the false. Even anybody out there can tell you're wrong or you're right, but in fact the you're the one that can understand yourself more.

Well, the point is : there's never be perfect in this-temporary-world. Everybody can make mistakes, and everybody can learn from their mistakes. There's no immortal. There just a life. Life changes. Sometimes you're above and sometime you're below. Sometimes you thinks that you're always right, without check-up yourself first; under estimate about something or someone without check it closer (without recognize it first).

You're such of dumb people if you always thing that you always right and you'll always on the top. Be careful of your mouth, your tweets, and never show-offing too much than you have. That was what I learned. Thank you Allah for always with me in everysecond when I am above or I am below. And thanks guys to remind me even with the "wrong" way you did. It does help anyway :):):)

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