Monday, May 24, 2010

Oprah Winfrey Show Recap

This is my report (recap) for Oprah Winfrey show on May 16th 2010 about Justin Bieber.
As we know, that every era has a big superstar like Paul McCartney, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson,  and know more than 3 millions girls in the world are cheering, crying, idolizing for the most requested guy in the world, he is Justin Drew  Bieber known as Justin Bieber.
                Justin Bieber  (16-years-old-singging-sensation)  was never ever dreamed  that he could be superstar. He love to sing, and his mom was taped for his video and than shared it on Youtube.  It very was unexpected when more than a million people saw his video and like it until one day somebody who have a studio recording  was send him an e-mail.
                This e-mal changes his life, even his mom didn’t appreciated with this cause of Justin’s family background (she worry people would think negatively about Justin’s stepfather) but  the guy who cares with Justin’s talent was tried hard, he talked for hours with Pattie (Justin’s mom) and assured her that he could rent a lawyer for the royalty and everything would be okay.
                After a long process, Justin met Usher. Usher is being his mentor (mote like Justin’s brother). Many people said that Justin was low profile like Michael Jackson, his talent was like Paul McCartney and handsome like Elvis Presley, he was the real superstar in this era.

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